Competition Commission of India

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Chairperson addresses the CII Conference on ‘Competition Law and Practice’ Mumbai, 7th October 2016

Friday, October 7, 2016 - 09:30

In a well-attended conference, organized by Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) on Competition Law and Practice at Mumbai, Sh. D. K. Sikri, Chairperson CCI highlighted the approach of the Commission to build in the Competition Culture in the country. Competition culture will be the key to achieve long term sustained economic growth. He laid emphasis on the pro-active compliance by the corporates stating that old business practice need to change to ensure that the enterprises do not have to face enquiry by the Commission. He outlined the Commission’s approach while dealing with the cases and informed the audience that the Commission undertaken deep scrutiny before talking up a case. He shared that in last one year the Commission closes more than 80% of cases at the prima-facie stage itself to save the corporates from avoidable litigation. However, he reiterated that business enterprise need to build strong compliance structure with explicit list of do’s and don’ts for its employees. The Commission will be soon releasing draft Competition Compliance Manual to provide guidance for business enterprise.

Chairperson’s address was followed by two sessions covering "Cartels and Leniency" and "Merger Control - what impacts industry?". The panel discussion on ‘Cartels and Leniency’ was chaired by Sh. S. L. Bunker, Member CCI. The second panel discussion on ‘Merger Control’ was chaired by Mrs. Smita Jhingran, Secretary CCI.

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